In the Media
Published articles written by Mr. Bach include:
- Equal Access to Education for Those in the Know: Protections for Postsecondary Students with Disabilities Under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, 27-Sept Nev. Law. 13 (September 2019) (Nevada Lawyer, State Bar of Nevada)
- An LRIS Success Story, 15-Mar Nev. Law. 40 (March 2007) (Nevada Lawyer, State Bar of Nevada)
- Educating the Educators, Communique (Clark County Bar Assoc.), September 2004
- Students Have Rights Too: The Drafting of Student Conduct Codes, 2003 BYU Educ. & L.J., 1 (Winter 2003)
- Student Without Rights: The Elimination of Constitutional and Civil Rights, As They Apply to Minors, 8-Jan Nev. Law. 19 (Jan. 2000) (Nevada Lawyer, State Bar of Nevada)
- Cracking the Code, Nevada Journal, July 1999.